Grexes of Genus Masdevallia Starting with Letter [T]

Found 188 grex names.
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Genus Name Genus Grex Name *Status Author Year Cross
Masdevallia Masd Taffeta J & L.Orch. 1991 glandulosa x setacea Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Tahitian Dancer Hoosier 2003 Copper Angel x maculata Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Taliska Gold Fingers A.M.Evans 2011 angulata x Heathii Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Tanabilis Hoosier 2003 amabilis x Tanager Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Tanager Hoosier 1991 ludibunda x ignea Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Tangerine Dragon Hoosier 1992 mendozae x veitchiana Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Tangerine Frost Orchid Zone 1997 Angel Frost x Monarch Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Tangerine Stripes S.Gerbault 1999 yungasensis x welischii Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Tango J.Leathers 2009 Patricia Hill x caudata Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Tanja Egon Dreise 1991 mendozae x decumana Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Tanya Pearce Troweena 2008 Pixie Leopard x veitchiana Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd tarantula Luer 1978 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Tarnie D.F.Butler 2007 Hani x triangularis Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Tashi M.Ferrusi 2004 angulata x decumana Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Tasmanian Devil F.Feysa 1995 Angel Frost x floribunda Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd tatianae Valid Dalström & Ruíz Pérez 2016 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Tawny Star Orchid Zone 1998 Copper Angel x Dark Star Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd teaguei Valid Luer 1978 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd teborchii Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teddybear Hoosier 2010 Ted Khoe x ignea Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Ted Khoe Pui Y.Chin 1991 constricta x welischii Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Tega's Video E.S.Eyre 2008 cyclotega x vidua Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teighmore E.Young O.F. 2016 Boulivot x Maeldune Rising Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Amethyst P.Teipel 2003 Veilchen x constricta Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Angulopic P.Teipel 2012 picea x angulata Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Angulotoi P.Teipel 2013 angulata x menatoi Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Blaukehlchen P.Teipel 2020 Teipels Falcoig x caudata Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Braunbär P.Teipel 2009 infracta x peristeria Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Chapacandy P.Teipel 2020 chaparensis x Tuakau Candy Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Chapatoi P.Teipel 2016 chaparensis x gilbertoi Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Copperdata P.Teipel 2020 Copperwing x caudata Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Coppertri P.Teipel 2016 Copperwing x triangularis Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Falcobar P.Teipel 2012 barlaeana x Falcon's Gold Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Falcoblush P.Teipel 2008 Winter Blush x Falcon's Gold Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Falcococ P.Teipel 2016 Falcon's Gold x coccinea Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Falcocodon P.Teipel 2020 calocodon x Falcata Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Falcofalc P.Teipel 2007 Falcata x Falcon's Gold Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Falcoflora P.Teipel 2013 Falcon's Gold x uniflora Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Falcofracta P.Teipel 2008 Falcon's Gold x infracta Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Falcogland P.Teipel 2003 Falcon's Gold x glandulosa Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Falcoig P.Teipel 2007 ignea x Falcon's Gold Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Falcoprince P.Teipel 2009 Falcon's Gold x Prince Charming Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Falcostrob P.Teipel 2013 Falcon's Gold x strobelii Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Falcotov P.Teipel 2007 Falcon's Gold x tovarensis Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Falcotro P.Teipel 2013 Falcon's Gold x trochilus Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Falcoveitch P.Teipel 2007 Falcon's Gold x veitchiana Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Floh P.Teipel 2016 triangularis x lychniphora Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Glandufalc P.Teipel 2017 Falcata x glandulosa Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Glandweli P.Teipel 2015 welischii x glandulosa Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Gold P.Teipel 2005 Sugar Baby x Falcon's Gold Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Goldenmana P.Teipel 2020 Golden Tiger x decumana Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Goldpokal P.Teipel 2015 welischii x hirtzii Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Himbeersorbet P.Teipel 2015 hieroglyphica x rodolfoi Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Ionoflora P.Teipel 2014 uniflora x ionocharis Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Jaguar P.Teipel 2016 chaparensis x regina Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Kaktus P.Teipel 2015 strobelii x regina Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Kleiner Drache P.Teipel 2014 ignea x decumana Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Kupfer P.Teipel 2017 welischii x triangularis Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Leopard P.Teipel 2015 Copperwing x chaparensis Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Löwenkopf P.Teipel 2016 angulata x caesia Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Macweli P.Teipel 2015 welischii x macrura Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Marycandy P.Teipel 2008 Mary Staal x Tuakau Candy Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Marytri P.Teipel 2014 Mary Staal x triangularis Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Maxi Jaguar P.Teipel 2016 chaparensis x princeps Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Milky Way P.Teipel 2004 Sugar Baby x Tuakau Candy Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Nadelstreif P.Teipel 2017 Copper Angel x lineolata Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Perípic P.Teipel 2009 picea x peristeria Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Purpurrobe P.Teipel 2017 coccinea x goliath Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Rote Laterne P.Teipel 2014 ignea x hieroglyphica Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Spätzünder P.Teipel 2013 Heathii x glandulosa Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Stardust P.Teipel 2013 triangularis x caudata Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Streifenhörnchen P.Teipel 2014 garciae x chaparensis Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Super Jaguar P.Teipel 2013 chaparensis x ayabacana Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Supertiger P.Teipel 2016 Golden Tiger x caudata Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Tiger P.Teipel 2007 Sugar Baby x Mary Staal Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Tigercandy P.Teipel 2014 Golden Tiger x Tuakau Candy Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Triglyphica P.Teipel 2016 triangularis x hieroglyphica Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Tritoi P.Teipel 2020 triangularis x gilbertoi Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Vanilleeis P.Teipel 2017 datura x Copper Angel Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Veiquisita P.Teipel 2018 veitchiana x exquisita Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Welicodon P.Teipel 2020 welischii x calocodon Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Winterfracta P.Teipel 2008 Winter Blush x infracta Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teipels Zebra P.Teipel 2019 Copperwing x yungasensis Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd telloi Valid Luer & Hirtz 2005 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd tentaculata Valid Luer 1982 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd tenuicauda Schltr. 1923 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd tenuipes Schltr. 1920 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd tenuissima C.Schweinf. 1937 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Tequila Rose M.Ferrusi 2002 Pixie Dust x Amethyst Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd terborchii Valid Luer 2001 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teresa Gillbanks N.Butler 2004 Falcata x datura Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Teresita T.Hill 1989 Heathii x floribunda Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Terrarium Treasure M.Light 1999 Angelita x lychniphora Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Terry Kratchman L.O'Shaughnessy 2005 infracta x Monarch Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Texamus J.Leathers 2010 Angel Glow x Monarch Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Thea Jane Wright 2016 exquisita x ionocharis Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd theleura Valid Luer 1980 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd Theresa Hill M.Ferrusi 1996 uniflora x odontocera Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd The Son of Monarch R.Olstan 2012 Sun Dancer x Monarch Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Masdevallia Masd thienii Valid Dodson 1977 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
*A Status of "Valid" for a species means it is the name accepted by taxonomists per the Kew List of Monocots ; for a hybrid it means it is the correct genus according to the Royal Horticulture Society

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