ALGAE: Control

Ailments Orchid Doctor

by Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler)

Originally published in The Orchid Doctor in 1980 and 1988

Posted by Sys Admin about 8 years ago.

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Use Physan 20, at the rate of 1/2 tpg. A78-495
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More The Orchid Doctor Articles under the Heading Algae

Algae Comments
ALGAE: Control in Cattleya House Physan 20 may be too expensive; Phygon is cheaper for use on evaporative cooling pads. A74-969 0
ALGAE: Control in Growing Trays After watering plants, rinse the tray grave1 if possible and allow grave 1 to dry fully to kill algae; repeat periodically; or, spray grave 1 with Simazine 80W, 1 tpq. A70-535 0
ALGAE: Control on Surface of Potting Medium Use 1.5 ttpg. of Maneb (Manzate) as heavy spray. A73-409 0
ALGAE: Controls When it occurs in a humidity tray holding water and pebbles, pour in a little chlorine (household bleach), let it remain for a while then decant and ventilate; or, use neutral copper. A86-929 0
ALGAE: In Osmunda Under Lights Usually caused by heavy organic fertilizers plus high humidity; harmful only if it excludes air from roots; use Physan 20. A79-910 0
ALGAE: In Pots Use of Bioquin satisfactory,address given; Manzate (Maneb) fungicide controls algae; use 1 ounce to 4 gals. water; various basic copper fungicides also control algae. A73-888; no safe algecide known. A77-1101 0
ALGAE: In Rainbarrel To destroy it add some sodium hypochlorite, then aerate to free the chlorine; exclude light by covering barrel with black polyethylene. A67-579 0
ALGAE: Interior of Greenhouse Wash off with soap and water, spray every few weeks with household bleach which does not harm plant materials but can harm the skin, so wash it off, if necessary. OR82-102 0
ALGAE: In White or Clear Pots In areas of strong light algae grows inside plastic pots which are translucent; dark pots exclude light. A72-490 0
ALGAE: Its Effect on Plants Algae can be harmful to plants grown in clay or crockery pots by covering the roots, so wash it off the pots and water less. A81-688 0
ALGAE: On Plant Leaves Caused probably by too little light; low intensity of fertilizer on leaves promotes growth; it can cut down on photosynthesis. F68-187 0
ALGAE: On Potting Medium Surface Medium is 1 sand, 1 fir bark, 1 milled sphagnum; water well, then let the surface dry; syringe only in early morning. A77-527 0
ALGAE: On Stones in Tray Under Plants Humidity trays should be flushed with Clorox 20% solution and allowed to stand 15 minutes, then flushed again with water; replace the plants. A82-588 0
ALGAE: To Prevent Growth in Tanks Drain the tank; add Clorox 1 ttpg. and let stand one and a half hours; drain, replace with clear water. A65-53 0
ALGICIDES: Condensation Drip From Air Cap Insulation Promotes Algae To render drip harmless spray with Physan 20, 1/2 tpg. A79-124 0

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