The Orchid Doctor Articles under the Heading Sporotrichosis

Sporotrichosis Comments
SPOROTRICHOSIS: A Fungus Disease Contracted by handling lots of natural materials including sphagnum moss; it is introduced through punctures in the skin; forms nodules on the extremities; causes arthritis, lung inflammation, abdominal infections (all of them rare); it is treated orally with iodides or amphotericim B; not known by many physicians. A87-57 ; Ca87(2 ) -19 ; in moss, OIE86Mar-19 0
SPOROTRICHOSIS: Infection Contracted From Potting Media Sphagnum moss, bark, can carry when wet a subcutaneous infection caused by a fungus Sporothrix schenckii that gains entry through skin lesions; refer to Ca81(2)-19; ITporotricum schenkii, AU85(2)-19 0

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