The Orchid Doctor Articles under the Heading Somaclonal Variation

Somaclonal Variation Comments
SOMACLONAL VARIATION: A New Technique for Propagation Plants produced by tissue culture techniques are sometimes not true to type and the variations can be guided to develop new characteristics such as disease resistance, etc.; the hidden resources of the somatic cells are tapped, AU81-164; AU82-27; AU81-21; 24 0
SOMACLONAL VARIATION: The Prize Offered by Eric E. Young It was instituted in October 1981 with the objective to produce a somatic hybrid between two genera not compatible, or two or more taxa whi ch are widely separated phylogenetically. OR82-6 0
SOMACLONAL VARIATION: What Is It? The Eric E. Young Somatic Hybrid Prize is $50,000 to be awarded to the first person to produce a non-sexual hybrid between two or more taxa widely separated phylogenetically; refer to A82-45; 492 0

New Topics

  1. Mary Lane asked question Orchid roots .com site? in category General Discussion
  2. David George asked question recently purchased orchid shows unstoppable roots in category General Discussion
  3. katherine mott asked question shorter stem with less vigorous blooms in category Phalaenopsis
  4. Glenda Ratliff started topic need info on yellow bird in category General Discussion
  5. Paula Milano asked question Looking to join an orchid club. in category General Discussion

New Comments

  1. Melvin Waki commented on topic "Orchid roots .com site?" by Mary Lane
  2. Carol Holdren commented on topic "recently purchased orchid shows unstoppable roots " by David George
  3. Michael Makio commented on orchid V. Beatrice Makio
  4. Carol Holdren commented on topic "shorter stem with less vigorous blooms" by katherine mott
  5. Carol Holdren commented on topic "need info on yellow bird" by Glenda Ratliff
  6. Carol Holdren commented on topic "Looking to join an orchid club." by Paula Milano
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  8. Jeanne Uzar Hudson commented on member plant Paph. malipoense by Jeanne Uzar Hudson
  9. William Gorski commented on topic "how difficult is it growing from seed" by kevan gregory
  10. Carol Holdren commented on topic "Information " by Carmen Britton