The Orchid Doctor Articles under the Heading Natriphene Wp

Natriphene Wp Comments
NATRIPHENE WP: 1:2,000 Meaning: approximately 1 tablespoon to four gals, water, or, approximately three-quarters of a teaspoon per gal. water; as used for a drench; for a spray use at 2.5 ounces per 100 gals. water, or one ttpg.; the spray requires agitation. BU49This strength of solution is obtained by placing one tablet in 2.5 gals, water. A63-221 0
NATRIPHENE WP: Bactericide For brown spot (Pseudomonas cattleyae), brown rot (Erwinia cyprepedii), bacterial leaf rot (Erwinia chrysanthemi) soft rot (E.carotovora) and miltonia scorch; control: use 1 tpg., immerse plant one hour or more, repeat in three to seven days; moderately toxic to humans at LD-50=2,000 mg. A71-895 0
NATRIPHENE WP: Fungicide For anthracnoses, black rots (Pythium ultimum, Phytophora cactorum), collar rot (Pellicularia (Sclerotium) rolfsii), seedling damp-off (Pellicularia filimentosa,etc.), flower spotting (Botrytis); add three-quarters tpg. to misting and watering, A71-895 0
NATRIPHENE WP: Fungicide/bactericide It has an LD-50 of 2,000 mg.; use as a spray, drench or soak for several hours at a concentration of 1:2,000. A73-810; submerge for one hour in three-quarters tpg. or the equivalent of 1:2,000, and repeat six days later. A66-204 0
NATRIPHENE WP: Harmful Effects on Phalaenopsis One slight case observed; the damage was more likely caused by the ailment than the antidote. A73-991 0
NATRIPHENE WP: Is Drench or Soak Necessary? It is a virtual necessity; if plants are kept dry between times,two or three treatments seven to eight days apart should suffice for treatment. A70-916 0
NATRIPHENE WP: Other Names for it Bioquin 700, Dowicide A, 8-quinolinol benzoate, sodium ortho-phenylphenate, Sopp, Topane. P71(3)21 0
NATRIPHENE WP: Soak For bud ailments on paphiopedilums, use as a soak for the entire plant in 1:2,000 for 15 to 30 minutes. A72-534 0
NATRIPHENE WP: Soaked Plants Apparently Lost Their Roots A one hour soaking is not normally toxic. A78-909 0
NATRIPHENE WP: Sodium Orthophenylphenate Is used as a dip for the control of Phythium ultimum and Phytophora cactorum, and bacterial pathogens. AH15 0

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