The Orchid Doctor Articles under the Heading Drainage

Drainage Comments
DRAINAGE: Gravel Small gravel in small pot< and large in large pots is good it can be disinfected first; an advantage in plastic pots is that it helps them stand upright. OIE85Nov-17 0
DRAINAGE: Of Potting Mix Kinds of materials: broken crocks, charcoal (not recommended), bark (larger pieces), pebbles, stones, volcanic rocks, styrofoam "peanuts" (packing material), etc. A78-303 0
DRAINAGE: Of Potting Mixes A fiberglass screening layer cut to fit the inside bottom of a pot prevents most creatures from crawling in through the drainage holes. OIE86Sept. 0
DRAINAGE: Phalaenopsis Culture It is second in importance to adequate light; if a plant dies in the second or third year, lack of drainage and aeration of the roots is the cause; bark eventually breaks down and denies air to the roots but bark can last 18 to 24 months in good service; old bark can be used up to 207o with new to seed a new mix; use a soldering iron on a conventional pot to provide more drainage holes, up to eight or nine three-eighths inch holes. OD87-101 0

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New Comments

  1. Carol Holdren commented on topic "recently purchased orchid shows unstoppable roots " by David George
  2. Michael Makio commented on orchid V. Beatrice Makio
  3. Carol Holdren commented on topic "shorter stem with less vigorous blooms" by katherine mott
  4. Carol Holdren commented on topic "need info on yellow bird" by Glenda Ratliff
  5. Carol Holdren commented on topic "Looking to join an orchid club." by Paula Milano
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