Grexes of Genus Odontoglossum Starting with Letter [M]

Found 284 grex names.
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Genus Name Genus Grex Name *Status Author Year Cross
Odontoglossum Odm Mabe S.Low 1948 Crowborough (1937) x Derwent Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Mach Mose R.Dugger 1982 Goldmose x Mach Two Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Mach Two Mansell & Hatcher 1979 Dominant Concord x Golden Ace Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm machupicchuense D.E.Benn. & Christenson 2001 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm macrospilum Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm macrum Lindl. 1852 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Maculatissimum Vuylsteke 1908 Ardentissimum x maculata Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Maculatorei Moss 1913 maculata x nobile Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm maculatum Lex. in La Llave & Lexarza 1825 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Maculum Thompson 1915 Aspersum x maculata Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Madelaine Rowland A.N.Rowland 1953 Eudora x Plumptonense Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm maderoi Schltr. 1920 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Madge Sanders[St Albans] 1922 Splendens x spectatissimum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Madhya McBean's 2014 Bic-ross x Kuno Krieger Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm madrense Rchb.f. 1874 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Madrigal Sanders[St Albans] 1924 Lawrenceanum x Magali Sander Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Madura Charlesworth Ltd. 1932 alexandrae x Isolene Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Magali Sanders[St Albans] 1921 Magali Sander x rossii Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Magali Sander Sanders[St Albans] 1908 Adrianae grex x Rolfeae Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Magnet S.Low 1925 Lakiniae x Lawrenceanum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Magnificens Unknown 1899 unknown x unknown Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Magnificent Sanders[St Albans] 1922 Magali Sander x Majesticum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Magnum Armstrong/Brown 1920 Doris x Gandavense Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Magpie Sanders[St Albans] 1922 Eximium x Magali Sander Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Maharajah Lucas 1924 Mirum x Queen Alexandra Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Maharanee Sanders[St Albans] 1925 Eximium x Majesticum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Maid of Gatton Colman 1909 Adrianae grex x Othello (1905) Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm maillardianum Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm majale Rchb.f. 1886 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Majesticum Sanders[St Albans] 1912 Eximium x Percultum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Malvolio S.Low 1936 Gorizia x Pyramus Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Mamie Charlesworth Ltd. 1926 Crethus x Felicity Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Manade Vacherot-Lecoufle 1953 Nabab x Aicard Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Mandalum Charlesworth Ltd. 1930 alexandrae x Orobus Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Mandarin Lucas 1922 Jasper x McNabianum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Mandora Charlesworth Ltd. 1940 Eudora x Mandalum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Manet Vacherot-Lecoufle 1938 Marathon x Promerens Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Manopha Charlesworth Ltd. 1957 Manperor x Ophanto Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Manperor Charlesworth Ltd. 1940 Mandalum x Purple Emperor (1922) Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Manselliae Mansell & Hatcher 1911 harryanum x Vuylstekeae (1905) Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Mantelus Charlesworth Ltd. 1953 Manto x Belus Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Manto Charlesworth Ltd. 1930 alexandrae x Radiant Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Many Waters Stonehurst O.N. 1974 Crispania x Golden Guinea Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Maperor Charlesworth Ltd. 1946 Alperor x Madura Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm mapiriense Mansf. 1934 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Mara Charlesworth Ltd. 1951 Madura x Eudora Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Marathon Fowler 1912 Amabile x Eximium Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Marcella Charlesworth Ltd. 1924 Ardentissimum x The Czar Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Marco Charlesworth Ltd. 1942 Jamesianum x Phison Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Marco Peña M.Portilla 2014 cruentoides x wyattianum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Marcus Charlesworth Ltd. 1919 Jasper x harryanum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Marden S.Low 1946 Princess Margaret x Tweed Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Margarelon S.Low 1921 Blue Peter x Serapis Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Margarete Holm B.Holm 1983 bictoniensis x Hans Koch Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Margaret Metcalfe Strawberry Creek 1997 Golden Ace x Mach Two Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Margaret Shuker Harry Baldwin 1983 Lord Harold x Panise Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Margarita Cowan 1924 Eximium x Doreen Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Margie McBean's 2014 Bic-ross x Margarete Holm (1983) Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm marginellum Rchb.f. 1882 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Mariae Charlesworth Ltd. 1911 Queen Alexandra x uroskinneri Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Mariana McBean's 1925 Empress of India (1913) x Gorizia Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Marian Hall R.Stone 2003 maculata x Dugger's Gold Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Maricon Charlesworth Ltd. 1934 Clydonia x Eudora Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Mariella Röhrl H.Rohrl 1992 trilobum x Golden Halls Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Marieselle Elle & Co. 1978 Moselle x Anne-Marie Wichmann Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Marietta L. Sherman Adams 1938 Crispo-Solon x Saint James Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Marilyn McBean's 1928 Cordoba x Solon Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Marion McBean's 1924 Amethyst x Mars Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Maritana Moss 1910 Rolfeae x sceptrum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Marjorie Charlesworth Ltd. 1918 Illustrissimum x nobile Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Marlene Holl Baker & Chantry 1993 Edwarcus x Quistrum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Marlis Isler J.Isler 1990 Bic-ross x maculata Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Marlow Black & Flory 1929 Minos (1918) x Portia (1919) Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Marne Armstrong/Brown 1918 Ardentissimum x Colossus (1912) Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Marnixii Nicolas 1914 Fletcherianum x x adrianae Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Marquis Vach.& Lec. 1968 Bambi (1954) x Gavotte (1953) Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm marriottianum Rchb.f. 1881 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Mars Vuylsteke 1907 unknown x unknown Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Martin S.Low 1926 Crispo-Harryanum x Phocis Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Martius Armstrong/Brown 1916 Amabile x Jasper Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Martonia Charlesworth Ltd. 1950 Britomartis x Tordonia Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Marvel Sanders[St Albans] 1927 Lambeauianum x Majesticum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Mary Charlesworth Ltd. 1946 Brimstone Butterfly x spectatissimum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Mary Gratrix Sanders[St Albans] 1916 Eximium x rossii Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Mary Seville Mansell & Hatcher 1943 Goldhurst x Hellemense Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm masereelianum Rchb.f. 1888 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Massillon Vacherot-Lecoufle 1945 Nabella x Pradier Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Matador Charlesworth Ltd. 1923 Ardentissimum x Georgius Rex Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm matangense Bockemühl 1986 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Matentum Charlesworth Ltd. 1946 Cruentum x Matador (1923) Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Matoaka Madonna Sunset 2002 Mount McKinley x Augres Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Matuban Charlesworth Ltd. 1945 Matador (1923) x Tuban Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Mauld D. 1958 Alorcus x Theron Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Mauretania Pitt 1921 unknown x unknown Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Mauve Queen Bischoffsheim 1919 Lambeauianum x Triton Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Mavis Sanders[St Albans] 1922 Lawrenceanum x Vuylstekeae (1905) Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm maxillare J.B.Norman 1847 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Maxim Armstrong/Brown 1921 Doris x Promerens Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Maya McBean's 2014 reichenheimii x laeve Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Odontoglossum Odm Mayapan H.Rohrl 2002 hallii x Jorisianum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
*A Status of "Valid" for a species means it is the name accepted by taxonomists per the Kew List of Monocots ; for a hybrid it means it is the correct genus according to the Royal Horticulture Society

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