WATERING (GENERAL): First Lightly Then Heavily

Culture Orchid Doctor

by Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler)

Originally published in The Orchid Doctor in 1980 and 1988

Posted by Sys Admin about 8 years ago.

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The first watering is to wet the medium and the second is to leach out the residual alkali. OD72-227
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More The Orchid Doctor Articles under the Heading Watering

Watering Comments
WATERING: Continuously,a New Method To apply constant irrigation to single plants, use fiberglas netting obtainable from boat-builders, rig it between substrate and water supply below; fertilizer can be added to the solution, which works up the netting . A80-1258;for details of an automatic system, see OIE88Apr-4 0
WATERING: Errors By dunking a plant in a pail an ailment can be spread from one plant to another. A82-1178 0
WATERING ERRORS: Avoid Hitting the Flowers with the Water The pollinia are easily dislodged by the hose jet on some flowers and the blooms fold quickly once the pollinia are removed, such as in sophronitis. A74-13 0
WATERING ERRORS: Placing Pots in Six-inch Deep Trays This is not good, rising water will bring trouble with the accumulation of salts from fertilizer. A74-217 0
WATERING FREQUENCY: How Often Is Watering Required? Frequency of watering required is a mystery little understood; watering five to seven times a week produced larger cattleyas and cymbidiums in four-inch pots, contrary to the usual precepts. A77-928 0
WATERING FREQUENCY: How Often Is Water Required by Cattleyas Growing Outside? The standard answer is as often as required, depending on the usual factors related to conditions. A79-674 0
WATERING (GENERAL): First Water Then Fertilize Dry roots do not like fertilizer. A69-524; A74-114 0
WATERING (GENERAL): Postulates Watering is to be done only when the root tip is actively growing and maintaining the green section at the tip at its optimum length. OD68-304 0
WATERING (GENERAL): Problems They are of common occurrence; the variety of kinds grown requires variety of treatment; pots and mixes vary greatly also; excessive watering the main problem; too often oxygen content of water and the air are not maintained properly around roots; impervious containers, pots too large for the plant and adverse climatic conditions are contributing factors; refer to AH37+ 0
WATERING: Knowledge on How to Do It It is obtained in four ways: by discussing the subject; by reading; by being aware of the original habitat of the plant; and, by being observant; much theory and detail. AU82-120; 261 0
WATERING: Never in the Pot A cultural practice used to achieve plump and large pseudobulbs with dark green foliage showing no excess light or feeding damage on a particular odontoglossum was achieved by spraying only and maintaining a relative humidity of 80%. OR85-27 0
WATERING: Quantity of Water Required About 100 gallons to 400 sq. ft., or 600 six-inch pots. A86-1252 0
WATERING: When and How to Water Comments on under-watering and over-watering, factors determining water demand by the plants; for many details refer to A81-945 0

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