PH OF WATER: Softeners

Culture Orchid Doctor

by Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler)

Originally published in The Orchid Doctor in 1980 and 1988

Posted by Sys Admin about 8 years ago.

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De-ionization produces excellent water for orchids; salt, or ion, displacement does not; chemical supply houses sell small laboratory de-ionization or de-mineralizer units. A80-4
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PH of Water Comments
PH METERS: Electronic Type How do they work? -- place a small amount of potting bark or tree fern in water enough to moisten the medium and the electrode or probe and test. A81-688 0
PH OF WATER: Acidifying Small Quantities Use phosphoric acid in a sink full of water, adding it drop by drop until the desired and tested-for acidity is reached and before pots with plants are immersed in it. A57-417; use citric acid. A73-917 0
PH OF WATER: Adjusting Ph When Too High Use dilute sulphuric acid or dilute orthophosphoric acid. A68-719; A78-13 0
PH OF WATER: Adjusting with Vinegar Do not use vinegar to adjust the pH if it is too high; not recommended because acetates can be toxic to plants. A78-13 0
PH OF WATER: Adjustment of Salty Tap Water Phosphoric acid used to adjust slightly alkaline pH of 7.5 to acid pH of 5.5 to 6.0, thereby increasing the solubility of tap water to sodium chloride, to prevent crystallization on roots, etc.; accumulation of salts arrested. A73-53; A75-54 0
PH OF WATER: Appropriate Water can have a pH reading of from 4 to 9; the water of Gainsville FL is close to 8.5 and has been used at the University of Florida without serious problems since Ponce de Leon. A85-471 0
PH OF WATER: Citric Acid Used Local water supply was highly alkaline, pH of 10.5, and was lowered to 5.5 twice weekly using a Hydromix proportioning unit; a drop or two of food coloring was also added. A72-1003 0
PH OF WATER: Cymbidiums The best pH for them is not so much a matter of pH as to make sure the water is low in salt content. A70-725Their requirement is around 7.0. A78-713 0
PH OF WATER: How to Raise It To raise the pH cf your water supply above 5.0 it is receommended to use sodium hydroxide as the basic solution. A88-35 0
PH OF WATER: Its Effect on Orchids A pH of 5 or lower is satisfactory for watering if the sodium and calcium content are not too high; the facts can be found out from your city authorities; a laboratory analysis will determine if your supply is satisfactory. A82-804 0
PH OF WATER: Recommended A satisfactory analysis for Somerville,N.J. is a pH of 7.2; it has a water supply like most of N.J.; some supplies are high in soluble salts; 8.4 in North Brunswick,N.J. is good despite the high pH reading. A71-715 0
PH OF WATER: Satisfactory Range 7 is recommended A78-309; other pH possibilities are: 8.0 to 8.4 is completely satisfactory; 7.2 or 8.4 should not be tampered with, depending on the locality; between 5.0 and 5.6 (medium strong acidity) gives excellent results also; references cited. A73-916 0
PH OF WATER: Sulphuric Acid Used to Reduce Ph to 5.6 The long range effects are none if pots are leached with every watering; orchids tolerate good amounts of sulfates. A75-500 0
PH OF WATER: Testing Litmus paper used to determine pH is unsatisfactory because color variations are too subtle to be determined; use a colormetric method where drops of Brom Creosol Purple are added to water to get a color reading. A73-55; OD65-120 0
PH OF WATER: Tree Habitats Rain water has a low pH; activity of fungi, bacteria, lichens, algae etc. on bark, plus leaf leaching produce an acid state through production of organic acids; fungi normally like a pH of 4.5 to 6.5, and possibly produce organic nutrients as amino acids and vitamins. F68-112 0
PH OF WATER: Well-water If it has a pH of 5 and contains 105ppm. of calcium it is a suitable pH and is not excessive in calcium. A78-812; A80-739 0

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