LIGHTS, ELECTRIC: Longer Duration as Compensation for Low Intensity

Culture Orchid Doctor

by Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler)

Originally published in The Orchid Doctor in 1980 and 1988

Posted by Sys Admin about 8 years ago.

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For most plants this is so, but in some cases high energy for a short period is essential for the plant. OR78-318
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Lights, Electric Comments
LIGHTS, ELECTRIC: At Night and Their Effect on Plants Lighting for 24 hours stimulates some seedlings; it has no advantageous effect on mature plants; most species flower best under short days, from 12 to 14 hours of light and are inhibited by 16 hours or more; lights are effective to delay the flowering of many cattleya species, A73-338 0
LIGHTS, ELECTRIC: Blue Light It stimulates the opening of stomatas or spores on the leaves for more carbon dioxide to enter; doubling the amount of natural blue light increased growth by 50% or more, is claim. OIE86Nov-2; the optimum spectrum for growth may be slightly different than the one for bloom and for orchids may be different than for other plants; mix the tubes. OIE87-Jan 0
LIGHTS, ELECTRIC: Blue Lights Plants grow faster under them, up to 50 to 70% faster in a blue-light enriched environment; photoreceptors in leaves absorb the light and initiate opening of spores in the stomata; no reason given. Ca87#2-6 0
LIGHTS, ELECTRIC: Fluorescent and Incandescent Used to Induce Flowering Long hours per day, from 15 to 18, especially added to incandescent light, will inhibit flowering. A66-914; A73-503 0
LIGHTS, ELECTRIC: Hours of Use Experiments indicate that using artificial light in the early morning in the greenhouse is a waste of money; instead, turn them on at 3 ofclock in the afternoon when the light is naturally strong; source of experiments not given. OD87-35 0
LIGHTS, ELECTRIC: In Greenhouses Two systems are treated, one as in an enclosed room area and the other as supplemental lighting in a greenhouse; analysis of sunlight and of various lamps given; photosynthesis sensitivity curve provided; one watt of incandescent to every three watts of fluorescent recommended; spectral distribution charts; refer to A64-191+ 0
LIGHTS, ELECTRIC: Interference with the Growth Pattern An electronic insect-killer with an 80-watt power lamp left on outdoors at night 50 to 60 feet away from summering cattleyas will affect them by delaying flowering to a later date, A84-1180 0
LIGHTS, ELECTRIC: Interrupted to Save Electricity It can be done and has been proven by Thomas Young Orchids as feasible: "on" for ten minutes and "off" for thirty; can be applied in the middle of the night, from midnight to 2 A.M. approximately. A74-896 0
LIGHTS, ELECTRIC: Metal Halide, 1000-watt Lamps Useful but the drawbacks are the high cost of the equipment that goes with them and of the electricity they burn; Vita-Lite can be used first to gain experience. A85-471 0
LIGHTS, ELECTRIC: Outside Sources Cattleya trianaei hybrids react to night light so a street light 25 feet away will stop flowering of the plant; cover plants with black sateen from 4 p.m. to 8 a.m. every night. A83-816The effect of artificial light on plants in an adjacent room with clear glass between is nil unless it exceeds lOfc. at which point it may interfere with the plant's photoperiod regimen. A78-309The effect of exterior lighting on the plants in a greenhouse is minor; the usual living-room lighting will not affect growth in an adjacent greenhouse. A65-53 0
LIGHTS, ELECTRIC: Stimulation of Flowering by Means of Incandescent Lamps Both fluorescent and incandescent lamps stimulate growth and flowering; per unit of electrical energy more growth is produced by Gro-Lux. A73-503 0
LIGHTS, ELECTRIC: Supplementary in Greenhouse If lamps are turned on until 11:00 P.M. in a greenhouse they will interfere with the normal photoperiod; therefore they are wasteful. A77-209Use of fluorescents or incandescents is of little or no value in the amateur greenhouse except to prevent or alter the normal flowering time. A67-12 0
LIGHTS, ELECTRIC: Their Percentage of Sunlight Delivered An International Colour Rendering Index exists; it provides a standard against which spectral composition can be measured; Tru-Lite tubes, for instance, measure 91% of sunlight. OR77-340 0
LIGHTS, ELECTRIC: Use of Green, Red or Yellow Bulbs in a Greenhouse The night-time use in a greenhouse of an ordinary light bulb for working purposes will not bother the plants. A81-526 0
LIGHTS, ELECTRIC: Vho Lighting System and Its Life Expectancy 800 milliamp VHO tubes are rated at 12,00 hours, about 2.5 years; 1,500 milliamp rating is 9,000 hours, less than two years. A74-708 0
LIGHTS, ELECTRIC: Viewing Orchid Flowers Under For judging or plain appreciating of flower quality with close-to-natural lighting for color rendition, a 5000-Kelvin color fluorescent called the Chroma 50 by GE is recommended. AA80-100 0

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