Trinidad and Tobago Orchid Society

Oncidium luridum / Lophiaris lurida

In T & T there are 3 "mule ear" Oncidiums. They are:

1. Oncidium Luridum
2. Oncidium lanceanum 
3. Oncidium haematochilum (Natural hybrid between 1 & 2:)...

There has been a name change to this group of "mule ear" from Oncidium to Lophiaris.

The species Lophiaris lurida is found throughout T & T as well as 'down the islands' e.g. Monos Island etc. Its habitat range can be from semi deciduous, dry forest to high rainfall areas. It can be found on several types of native trees / vines and can be highly populated in a favourable habitat.

The flowering season can extend from February to April and there are 2 major vegetative forms: 1. Long green leaves and 2. Short reddish green leaves. However, the flowers are basically the same. They can be dark brown to light brownish green. You can expect the Alba form which is green and has a white crest.

The key to its successful cultivation depends on a good, well-drained medium, good light and adequate air movement. Fertilize and water adequately when it is in its active growth. Be careful of water remaining in its new growth. Reduce water somewhat when growth has matured. Major pests include; mites, scales, caterpillars. These can be controlled with any good insecticide. Diseases basically arise from over watering causing root rot and leaf drop.

After all this, you can expect good spikes with 20 - 60 flowers. See Data Base for photographs.

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