Bulb. clavigerum in Cultivation by Members

Found 5 plants.
Member Orchid Name Description Culture
Andry Harmony Bulb. longiflorum Naturally mount on Cupressus sempervirens, 700 m asl
Günther Eilers Bulb. longiflorum
Melvin Waki Bulb. longiflorum This is a sib crossing of Bulbophyllum longiflorum 'Dark Spot'. An ambel of 12 flowers are carried on a 12 inch long inflorescence. The plant is growing in a 2-1/2 inch clay pot with New Zealand Sphagnum moss as the media. It is grown outside under 50 percent shade cloth.
s mcn Bulb. longiflorum lost in shipping :(
Vanessa Monteiro Bulb. longiflorum